Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Days of the Week in German

"Eight days a week, I lo-oh-ah-oh-ove you!"

Ok, Beatles, there are only seven days a week. But there are two ways I've learned so far to say that's kind of like eight, right? 

Tag - day
Woch - week
Montag - Monday
Dienstag - Tuesday
Mittwoch - Wednesday (mid-week)
Donnerstag - Thursday
Freitag - Friday
Samstag - Saturday
Sonnabend - Saturday (sun + evening)
Sonntag - Sunday 
heute - today
heute ist Mittwoch - today is Wednesday
morgen - tomorrow
morgen ist Donnerstag - tomorrow is Thursday

What day did you read this? Let me know @KaitlinMoose using the hashtag #LearnGermanWithMe!

Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Introduce Yourself in German

The first thing someone might ask you: "What's your name?"

Now you have three great responses to choose from!

Wie heißen Sie? - What is your name? (How are you called?) (you = formal)
Wie heißst du? - What is your name? (How are you called?) (you = familiar)
Ich heiße - I am called
Ich bin - I am
Mein Name ist - my name is
Name - name
Vorname - first name
Nachname - last name

So what's your name? Wie heißen Sie? Let me know @KaitlinMoose using the hashtag #LearnGermanWithMe!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Basic German Greetings: Guten Tag!

A different way to say "hey," depending on the time of day:

guten Morgen - good morning
guten Tag - good day
guten Abend - good afternoon
gute Nacht - good night

Say "hey" my way @KaitlinMoose using the hashtag #LearnGermanWithMe!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why, Hello There!

What better way to get started than by saying hello?

hallo - hello
guten Tag - good day
tschüss - bye
auf Wiedersehen - goodbye
bis bald - see you soon

Say "Hallo!" to me (@KaitlinMoose) using the hashtag #LearnGermanWithMe!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

German Challenge: Learn German in One Year

I'm on a mission. A self-imposed mission, at that. Which is why this blog should act as my accountability partner.

Because I am learning German in one year.

It's something I've been interested in for a half decade or so, but now I finally have the proper motivation: I'm traveling to Germany in July of 2016.

I can't wait! And there's nothing like a lofty (some might say unrealistic) goal to get me going!

This journal will not only hold me accountable but also keep track of my progress to help identify the pace needed to reach my goal on time and to document how far I've come.

I'm excited to have a record of all the knowledge and most effective learning methods I acquire.

And I'd love to have you join me!

While my blog and videos are for my learning process and a way to keep me going, I hope they may benefit you as well.

In addition to all the vocabulary, phrases, grammar, and culture I learn, I will be keeping a list of German learning resources that you may find useful.

I'd love to hear from you about your language learning experience and any ideas or resources you could share. You may contact me here or on Twitter @KaitlinMoose using the hashtag #LearnGermanWithMe.

Danke! And good luck (to both of us)!